27 November 2008

Alexander is eagerly awaiting the arrival of "Farmer Krit-miss"

24 November 2008

I'm pleased to report that we are in full potty training mode!!! He is doing so well, amazing what a little bribery can archive. He gets a little treat of a few M&Ms when he has been to the potty. Clever boy Alexander.

16 November 2008

Alexander says the most funny things at times.... here are two of my favourites right now....

He loves to sing Baa Baa Black sheep, but instead of "One for the Master he says Monster"

and he has a Pinocchio puppet in his room but he calls him Poke-in-no.

12 November 2008

How about I remind you its only 6 weeks till Christmas...fancy that!!!

Here are Alexander Christmas scrapbook pages minus this year as ive not taken the santa hat photos yet.

11 November 2008

Alexander wanted to show you the jar of Daddy's computer screws!!! And why does he want to show you?
Lets just say Mummy has spent the last 3 days checking poos for the offending screw that Alexander swallowed. I found it today. So Alexander was telling the truth on Sunday morning, he said he had eaten one of Daddy's shiny screws!!!!
NOTE TO DADDY..... pick up all your computer bits!!!

I never expected after 3 and a half years he'd eat something NOW!!!!