Alexander in his new bed....story time with Daddy and then Mummy comes in for a story (the same story every night - Alexander always wants the same book over and over again!!!!) I can read it without even looking at the book now, even recite the whole thing while driving in the car...hehehe
He has settled into his new bed very well, and for the most part stays put!
We will be taking his cot down over the weekend - a sad day for mummy! My little boy is growing up.
He also is doing fantastically on the potty, and is so proud of his deposits :-)
Nanny is having the day with Alexander on Saturday (more tips to the trains,McDonald's and the video store I'm sure) - as David and I are heading off bright and early 4 wheel driving with friends.
Ohhh and Alexander has informed me that he wants a train cake for this birthday, not just a round cake or a square cake, but a train cake no less!!!!
Now you are talking to the cake baking, well baking in general virgin here.
So I have taken advise on this and borrowed ever cake book from the library and will have a practise run before the big event.
Actually to be quite honest the first cake Alexander choose from the books he has been pouring over was a very lovely Barbie doll sticking out of the middle of a cake that looked like a dress - now I know I could have managed that for him...