A few photos from Christmas Daythe first ones are at the bottom!!! work your way up.
Alexander had a ball, he totally loves his remote control digger and excavator he got from Nanny and Grandad.
Not to mention his RC huge train set - there is a little bit of remote control fever in our house as we went out this morning for the Boxing Day sales and Daddy got a RC tank, Alexander got a RC robot and I got a RC 4x4 truck. With all these toys that require batteries, we have a factory here of batteries on charge or in toys!!!
I just adore my Golliwog money bank that my sister in law sent all the way from the UK, she looks cute with my other gollies.
David got a large tool box from Alexander for Christmas, we thought it was time he progressed from a small cardboard box to a real mans tool box - hehe!
We had a wonderful lunch at mums place, this is the first year that David has not been outside on the BBQ cooking lunch etc, so he happily played with Alexander and all his toys.
I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch at 8.30pm, all that toy removing from boxes took it out of me.

Alexander hugging his presents