Poor Alexander has been sick with a tummy bug - Tues/Wed!!! He vomited at kindy on Tuesday afternoon, I thought he might have just gotten over excited, but he promptly did it again all over the couch when we got home, poor thing! I fetched him a bowl and after that he just sat there and held the bowl under his chin when he was sick.
I has to strip the cover off the couch and get it into the washing machine and in between tending to Alexander and getting the washing on the bloody dog chewed and ripped bits off the foam inner of the couch that was outside drying!!!!
He had a pretty restless night on Tuesday, well we all did, I slept in his bed with him for the first part of the night, he must have been pretty groggy at one stage as he asked me if he was dieing!!!! and then asked if it was snowing outside. Poor Baby.
He is back to his old self today mind you....yippee!