30 July 2009

Been doing a little bit of photo editing this morning....

24 July 2009

Don't kids say the funniest things.....

This photo we have in a frame on the bookcase (its one of my favourites, Alexander was 18 months old at the time)

He just looked at it now while talking to Daddy on the phone and said "that was me when I was a girl"

(I remember his lovely long blond wavy hair and I was often asked at the time if he was a girl)

22 July 2009

6 weeks today....great going Daddy! Love Alexander xx

20 July 2009

5 weeks, YES five weeks!!!!!

Alexander and I wanted to tell Daddy/Dave how proud we are of him!!!!
Love you
K & A

03 July 2009

My poor Panda!!!

Alexander went to the Dr's this morning, his asthma is bad again over this winter, he was awake alot of the last few nights coughing and coughing.
The Dr has up'ed his dose, so it will be a few days before we see an improvement. Plus I got his 4/5 year old jabs done today, yikes he kicked the nurse. I so felt for him as he new as soon as he saw the needles what they were for.
He told the nurse she was stupid!!!!! and huffed at her when she offered him some stickers when she was done.

He gets a little treat tonight to stay up and watch a video with Daddy as I'm off to my friend Bernie's place to catch up with a dear friend down from Auckland whom I've not seen since Alexander was a baby. So a nice girly night with take aways and a little wine.

Tomorrow Nan and I are taking Alexander to the circus in the afternoon.

02 July 2009

(click on the photo to get a larger view)

Four years on, look how he has changed, but still stayed the same.
Im not sure if that is a Ballett or a Day chin he has going on.
He must have wised up to me because when I got the blue blanket I use as a back ground, he said "do I get a treat for sitting on that" Hehehe!

I love his longer hair too, he has all those cute curls back he had from way back. Plus he won't let me go near him with the hair clippers, and I won't even try to get him to the hair dressers after last time! So its a quick snip, snip in the kitchen when I can just to tidy it up a bit!