17 August 2010

The School called me at 12.30 to come and collect Alexander he had fallen off the slide at lunch time and got a bit of a bump on his eyebrow! No broken skin so that's all good!

Ive had a rotten cold all week and a stink'in sore throat for the last few days, I was hoping it was going to go, but kinda feels like I had with Tonsillitis.....ohhh please don't let it be that again!

Alexander is tucked up in our bed......i have to sleep in his, so he says. lol
Daddy and he came up with a plan...I was not to breath my germs onto them...hehe!

Still its only a few hours earlier than he would have snuck in to our bed anyway. He has been joining us for months now....sometimes he can get in without waking either Dave or I and we find him there in the morning.