Been stuck indoors for the last few days, the weather is awful and cold, only a few days left of the school holidays, back to school next week.
15 April 2011
Custom Lamp I've seen these cool children's lamps on a home decorating site that i just fell in love with and I know a little guy who'd love one. Plus a Mummy that would love to make one... :-) I have the odd lamp base hanging round the house, and a load of little toys, that have been loved over time by Alexander that could reinvent themselves as a toy lamp base pretty well.
11 April 2011
I hope you feel better soon buddy! actually he has done really well, and we are coming out the other side now, not sure if he will make it back to school before the holidays start at the end of the week.
07 April 2011
What's this on my tummy, Mummy?
Guess little guy has the Chicken Pox!!!!
Ohhhhh joy! Now that is why he has been unwell this week, poor love!
Wish us luck, will post photos in a day or so.....